Developer Documentations


Self Help
Table of Contents
Name Type Description Required
smsRequestId String A unique identifier of the sendSMS

Transaction generated by [merchantName].It should be preceded by [merchantCode] as prefix.

subscriptionId String A unique identifier that represents the user lifecycle since subscription. It should be preceded by [merchantCode] as prefix.

Can be empty in the initial Client identification flow – but should be present in later SendSMS calls.

* subscriptionId should be “SP” for onetime payment.

sender String Sender. Can be a short code, long code or text originator Y
receiver String Countrycode + The user’s mobile phone number in international format Y
language String Message language “Ar” for Arabic, “En” for English Y
msgBody String Message body of the MT in UTF-8 encoding Y
aggregatorId String The northbound aggregator partner Y
merchantId String The Ownder of the product. [MERCHANTNAME] in our case Y
product String Identifier of the product, in our case “[productName]” Y
subProduct String Identifier of the subproduct in case if there are multiple subproducts types under the same product. Y
SID String The Service ID (Will be provided by FOO)

Mandatory in case of Single Purchase Services in KSA and KW flows.

PID String The Product ID (Will be provided by FOO) Mandatory in case of Single Purchase Services in KSA and KW flows. O