Name | Type | Description | Required |
chargeRequestId | String | A unique identifier of the charge
Transaction generated by [MERCHANTNAME]. It should be preceded by the [merchantCode] as prefix. |
Y |
subscriptionId | String | A unique identifier that represents the user lifecycle since subscription.
It should be preceded by [merchantCode] as prefix. subscriptionId should be “SP” for onetime payment. |
Y |
userId | String | Countrycode + MSISDN of the user | Y |
type | String | The type of the Charge request it can be:
– “Subscription” (first subscription) – “Renewal” (after first subscription) |
Y |
firstCharge | Boolean | Value:
– true: first successful charging event (amount>0) or in case of Single Puchase charges |
Y |
freeOfCharge | Boolean | – This is mandatory in case of free trial period or in case of promotion.
– values are “True” or “False” |
O |
freeTrialPeriod | String | Linked to freeOfCharge Trial period (Ex: 1d, 2w, 2m) 1d = 1 day
2w = 2 weeks 2m = 2 months |
O |
amount | Decimal | Charge amount | Y |
currency | String | The currency code. For example “KWD” (ISO-4217
Code) |
Y |
totalCharge_p30d | Decimal | Sum of total charge in the last 30 days | Y |
aggregatorId | String | The northbound aggregator partner | Y |
merchantId | String | The Owner of the product. [MERCHANTNAME] in
our case |
Y |
product | String | Identifier of the product, in our case
“[productName]” |
Y |
subProduct | String | Identifier of the subproduct in case if there are multiple subproducts types under the same
product. |
Y |
channel | String | The channel of subscription, it can be one of the following: WEB, SMS, MobileApp or CC | Y |
promoter | String | Specifies the promoter of the campaign
Can be [Merchant] or [Telco Operator] |
Y |
vatAmount | int | The tax value:
For Prepaid: it will contains the tax value For postpaid: it will be 0 Mandatory for some Telco Operator |
O |
billingType | String | billingType should be extracted from the getProfile response.
can be: [Postpaid, Prepaid] Mandatory for some Telco Operator |
O |
profileRequestId | String | profileRequestId should be the request Id used in the getprofile to retrieve the billingType.
Mandatory for some Telco Operator |
O |
SID | String | The service ID (Will be provided by Dizlee)
Mandatory for some Telco Operator |
O |
PID | String | The Product ID (Will be provided by Dizlee)
Mandatory for some Telco Operator |
O |